Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Deep Sea: IMAX

The Good:

I'm a sucker for documentaries - particularly nature documentaries. This one was very good.

You got to see a lot of really neat things that most people take for granted as the air breathing lot of us don't spend a lot of time under the deep sea.

Beautiful - just visually stunning at times.

The Bad:
As much as I like both Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet - I found the dueling narrators to be a bit distracting and it often took away from the focus of the film which was the complexity of undersea life. Choosing one and sticking with them would have been a better call as there was really no point in having two.

I think I lost a lot of the stun factor watching this at home on DVD rather than in and IMAX theatre as it was intended.

All in all:
Very, very good. It's no Planet Earth - but it's damn good.

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