Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon

The Good:
The campy "behind the scenes documentary" feel of this film was brilliantly executed.

The scenes of the "retired" cereal killer talking about the good old days was hysterical.

Great shout outs to other films of the slasher/horror genre in that "what Scream did right" kind of way.

Nathan Baesel - who played Leslie Vernon - was excellent.

The Bad:
The main female character was TOO over the top. I didn't care if she lived or died. In fact, I would have voted "die please - and soon so I don't have to listen to your idiotic ramblings anymore".

All in all:
Definitely unique - and enjoyable. I'd watch it again if I saw it on TV but I wouldn't pay for it. An assured one time viewer.

1 comment:

Pope said...

I agree with your assessment. I put it:

"For those who love the slasher classics (Friday the 13th, Halloween, so on), this film is a riot... It is immensely entertaining, quirky, and quite funny in parts. There aren't a whole lot of surprises and the acting isn't the greatest, but I enjoyed this movie more than I expected. It's a little bit Scream and a little bit Blair Witch Project and a whole heap of fun."