The Good:
Samuel L. Jackson.
I found the framing of the film to be very well done. It seemed more like the panels of a comic book which added to the intended super-heroesque feel of the film.
The Bad:
Bruce Willis. I am well aware that my dislike of Mr. Moonlighting often clouds my judgment of movies that I might have otherwise liked. I don't think this was the case here. He just always seems like that generic not really believable action "hero from Die Hard. Like he's just incapable of doing anything else. In the case of this film, much like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix, I was left thinking mostly "if this is who we have to depend on to save the proverbial world - then we're fucked". If I'm going to watch a BW film I'll probably just go back to 12 Monkeys or Sin City and just try to forget this one.
As with most Shyamalan films it just felt staged - like it was trying way too hard to be the cool brain teaser thriller. It failed in all regards.
All in all:
This was by far the worst Shyamalan film I have seen yet. I just really didn't enjoy anything about it. For me it's Unwatchable, but I know many people who enjoyed it so who knows?
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