I remembered my Dad mentioning to me that the critics really "loved" this film. I should have learned by now that if the critics love it - I should avoid it at all costs. After all - the critics loved The English Patient and I think I'd rather have a flesh eating disease than ever come close to watching that again.
The Good:
Ass kicking women. I love a good "ass kicking women" film - and as this was an all chick flick - I definitely got that.
Um.... the cave was pretty.
The Bad:
I went from thinking "well this is neat" to "ugh - when will this end".
While it tried not to be The Cave, I couldn't help but think - yup, it's The Cave - but with chicks and monsters that are less of a Pitch Black ripoff.
The plot seemed tired and done numerous times in numerous ways. Group goes exploring out in the middle of nowhere and neglects to tell anyone where they are going. Someone in group does stupid thing hurting themselves and getting group stranded. Idiot group leader neglects to inform anyone where group is going. Uh-oh there's something else in here!
The ending was nonsensical.
All in all:
For the sheer moments of ass-kicky goodness The Descent gets a decent review. But it's definitely a "hey - there's nothing else on TV, I'll watch this" kind of movie.
Totally disagree. I loved this film. Same director as Dog Soldiers, another awesome film. The Descent was fantastic!
And btw, told ya it wasn't T&A like you assumed ;-)
And you were right most honorable Celestial Minister of Evil. No T&A what-so-ever. Much more K&A (aka Kick and Ass).
Unfortunately it still just didn't do much for me. I did think it was a fun ride - just nothing I hadn't really seen before.
I also appreciated that they kept the effects minimal. Added to that confined feeling and much like in the first two Alien movies made the creatures more menacing.
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