The latest contribution from Stephen King. The cover raved "it's the best adaptation of a King story since The Shining". Well - anyone who read The Shining knows that the movie was little to nothing like the book - which would make the movie (as much as I love "here's johnny" Jack) a rather shitty adaptation. That said - we rented it anyway.
The Good:
There were some honestly creepy Jacob's Ladder moments.
I love John Cusack - even if he's in crap.
The Bad:
It all felt like it had been done before - not only that, but like it had been done before by King himself.
The characters were just rehashes of characters you had already seen in almost every other story the man has written.
There was not nearly enough Samuel L. Jackson (though in the scenes it is funny to imagine him saying "I'm sick of these fucking people wanting in this fucking room!"
The ending was "supposed" to be one of those "wow - bet you didn't see that coming" endings - but it felt more like "wow - could you possibly have done anything to make this movie dumber?
All in all:
I'd say don't waste your time. Rent The Shining again instead.
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