The Good:
The little prank his friend pulls which involves a tower of Twinkees and a camera (that's all I'm saying, don't want to "ruin" it for anything - though it's gonna be rancid either way) was pretty entertaining.
Shia LaBeouf was at least tolerable... that's really all I've got.
The Bad:
The plot has already been done - much better - with better writers, better actors, and better directors.
I absolutely hated the "generic love interest/hot neighbor". She was horrible - and her teeth were weird as though they'd been filed down into nubs.
Carrie-Annie Moss' role may as well have been played by a corpse for all the livelihood that was in it. Of course - that's pretty much how I feel about her in general, but she was particularly bad here.
The villain role was generic, stereotypical and PREDICTABLE. A large part of this I blame on the fact that they cast the villain with David Morse - who save a small handful of roles - almost always plays "that generic creepy guy who might be eating your friends".
All in all:
People are going to tell you that this is the modern day version of Rear Window. Those people are either liars, fools, or being paid off by the movie company in some way to get people to watch their horrid generic little film. Don't bother with this. It's a waste of time. Just watch Rear Window and then take away everything that makes it good - then you will end up with Disturbia.
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