Monday, June 9, 2008


The Good:
All of the actors were fantastic. Michelle Pfeiffer was a delightfully evil witch, Claire Danes was the perfect mix of innocence and bravado, Charlie Cox was perfectly adorable as Tristan - but it was Robert DeNiro who really stole the show as the marauding sky pirate Captain Shakespeare.

The princes were wonderful. I was almost more engaged by the ridiculous hilarity of their story than anything else.

The effects were quite good for a Fantasy film.

The story was engaging and fun - along the lines of a Princess Bride type story.

The Bad:
It was a straight up Fantasy film, a fable, a fairy tale. If this type of story does not appeal to you - then this film won't be for you.

All in all:
Though I couldn't convince my husband to watch it with me - this was actually a very fun film. I went into it not expecting much, and was rewarded beyond what I had imagined. I am a girl at heart, though my preferences tend to bend toward horror and suspense and things not typically considered girly - I enjoy a good Fantasy piece - and this was very good.

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