Monday, June 9, 2008

Planet Terror

The Good:
I sincerely have nothing good to say about this giant steaming pile of crap.

The Bad:
Oh dear - where to start.

The acting was horrifically bad. If you can call any of what I saw acting.

The effects were cheesy and overdone.

There was no plot, none what-so-ever.

All in all:
There is no reason to even bother with this "film". The actors in it should be ashamed to have been a part of something this horrible. Where Tarantino succeeded with Death Proof in making a tribute film that was also good - Rodriguez failed on all possible fronts. In the opening 2 minutes of the "commercials" prior to the actual movie there were 4 breasts and more blood than in the lawnmower sequence of Dead Alive - and the effect was done just as poorly. The dialogue was retarded, as was the story, if in fact there was a story. Take every good and memorable sequence from a Zombie movie (all of which have been done before) and beef those up with stupidity to take away everything that made them good and memorable. Add to that nonsensical plot points, overdone super poor effects and horrible dialogue - and you end up with this movie. I've watched some bad movies in my time, I've always been able to make it through them - I could not make it through this one. It was so bad - in fact - my husband who will watch just about anything - tried three times to watch it and still couldn't make it through. This was without a doubt the worst thing I have ever seen. Shame on you Rodriguez. Shame.


The Good:
All of the actors were fantastic. Michelle Pfeiffer was a delightfully evil witch, Claire Danes was the perfect mix of innocence and bravado, Charlie Cox was perfectly adorable as Tristan - but it was Robert DeNiro who really stole the show as the marauding sky pirate Captain Shakespeare.

The princes were wonderful. I was almost more engaged by the ridiculous hilarity of their story than anything else.

The effects were quite good for a Fantasy film.

The story was engaging and fun - along the lines of a Princess Bride type story.

The Bad:
It was a straight up Fantasy film, a fable, a fairy tale. If this type of story does not appeal to you - then this film won't be for you.

All in all:
Though I couldn't convince my husband to watch it with me - this was actually a very fun film. I went into it not expecting much, and was rewarded beyond what I had imagined. I am a girl at heart, though my preferences tend to bend toward horror and suspense and things not typically considered girly - I enjoy a good Fantasy piece - and this was very good.