The Good:
Wow... where to start.
The cinematography was fantastic.
The lighting was dead on.
The villains were truly evil and the heroes were complex just the way I like them.
The story was great from opening to ending - if there ever is truly an ending to this story.
V was wonderful both to watch and to listen to. Do yourself a favor. Don't read the back of the movie or try to figure out who he is before you watch it. Try to guess. I assure you both that you should be able to figure it out and that you will be well rewarded whether you do or not.
The Bad:
I find Natalie Portman to be flat, one dimensional and ultimately forgettable in almost everything she does save The Professional. Though she was better than average in this film, I felt the character would have been better served by a more multidimensional or personality possessing actress. It was far to important a role to have been wasted as it was.
All in all:
Easily one of the best political statements I have had the pleasure of watching in a very long time. I adore seeing corrupt governments overthrown by the very people they try to enslave and destroy. There is nothing more rewarding. As V himself says "people should not fear their governments, governments should fear their people". Just good on so many levels - particularly when you see that it is a future not to far removed from the direction in which our current leadership would have us move as quickly as possible. A great thing to watch with an election looming on the horizon. If this won't motivate you to dethrone the dictators, nothing will.
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